Climakitae Documentation

Climakitae Documentation#


This project is actively in development working towards an alpha release.

Climakitae provides a python toolkit for retrieving and performing scientific analyses with data from the Cal-Adapt Analytics Engine.

Getting Started

An introductory notebook demonstrating how to get started with climakitae and the Cal-Adapt Analytics Engine.

API Reference

A detailed description of the climakitae API.


Interested in seeing the source code? Check out the repository on GitHub!

Contribution Guidelines

Want to add a new feature? Find a bug in the code? See our contribution guidelines for more information.

About the Cal-Adapt Analytics Engine#

Cal-Adapt is the larger project through which climakitae is being developed. For more information, check out our Analytics Engine website.


To begin working with climakitae, you can install the current version of the package directly from pip:

pip install